Plastic Card Fraud

Cards are always safer than cash. The chances of you becoming a victim of card fraud are still low (fraudulent transactions make up 0.141% of all transactions). If you are unlucky enough to be a victim you will not suffer any financial loss as a consequence providing you have not acted fraudulently or without reasonable care.

Criminals are always looking for ways to get hold of your cards, but the banking industry is committed to fighting the fraudster on all fronts. Chip and PIN is a vital tool to help us further protect cards and we continue to work on a raft of other initiatives.

You can best protect yourself by always looking after your cards and card details, checking your statement to ensure you have not been a victim, disposing of receipts with care and NEVER disclosing your PIN even if somebody claims to be from your bank or the police.

Card Watch is a UK banking industry initiative that aims to raise awareness of card fraud prevention. For comprehensive information on fraud - including the types, levels and what is being done to combat it - visit the Card Watch website at

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